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Sunday, October 8, 2017

ISIS Gunmen In Vegas Executed US Defense Spy Paddock

Note:  The following article is reposted strictly for educational purposes.          
            Zephon Ministries can neither confirm nor deny it's contents.                 
           This article was written exlusively for the audience of Jeff    

By Yoichi Shimatsu   

Yoichi Shimatsu - Editor at Large at the 4th Media is a free lance 
journalist based in Hong Kong. 
He is the former Editor of the Japan Times Weekly. 
Mr. Yoi is a former Tsinghua University lecturer. 
He's been regularly writing to several global media outlets 
including the U.S. and China.  
He's been on CCTV News, Blue Ocean Network TV and other 
global media outlets in China and other countries.

Official cover-ups of crimes that implicate the national-security establishment, as the Vegas massacre surely has done, must be handled with patience learned from prior investigative experience in order to spot disinformation and assemble credible evidence into a reconstruction of the totality of the crime, including the sequence of events, role of other participants, relationship to the government, background and motive.

In pathetic contrast, the compliant news media portrays alleged gunman Stephen Paddock as a lone gunman and man of mystery without making a serious effort at uncovering his connections to the intelligence services, which happens to be the key to comprehending the reasons behind this puzzling mass murder. Then there is the planted single gunman claim like the FBI tip to InfoWars that suspect Paddock was killed in the Bureau's assault and that antifa (anti-fascist, anti-racist anarchist) literature was found in the 32nd floor room at the Mandalay. (Sheriff Joseph Lombardo countered that falsehood from the FBI by stating more than one shooter was involved.) Here it will be shown that Paddock was anything but a radical anarchist and instead worked as a contract agent for the Defense Department and CIA.

The FBI-Las Vegas police feud was discussed at the 4chan thread that was soon closed for new comments:
According to a source in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department:: “The LVMPD knows the motive behind the attack, but the FBI will not allow us to release the motive because it implicates the FBI in illegal arms deals and supplying arms to ISIS terrorists within U.S. borders. Stephen Paddock was an undercover FBI agent who participated in multiple illegal arms deals in the Las Vegas area in a gun-running entrapment scheme similar to Fast and Furious. Paddock thought he was engaging in another routine arms transfer, but ISIS had learned about the entrapment scheme and Paddock’s true identity. They killed him and carried out the massacre, and then fled the scene.

“Everything is being kept under extreme wraps because 1) armed ISIS terrorists are still at large and 2) this is very embarrassing to the FBI and they don’t want their scheme to become public knowledge. . . . People within LVMP are disgusted and are pushing for this information to be released to the public.”

Arguably more grotesque are the online snipers who falsely insist that the Vegas massacre never happened but was a stage-play faked by crisis actors. (There are crisis actors, but they are hired by public relations firms after a calamity to divert public attention from the actual trauma victims.)

Citizen journalism defies online censorship and trolls

In contrast to the paucity of information from the mainstream media, has posted eyewitness accounts and revelations from hotel staffers. Despite the shutdown of new comments under management pressure, the online boards reddit, 4chan and VOAT have done a fast and worthy job of separating out some nuggets of information from the chatter and planted disinfo. Unofficial citizen journalism has assembled the pieces needed for a cohesive picture of the alleged perpetrator and his connections with the intelligence establishment and to the radical Muslim ISIS.

From these informal sources, three salient issues has surfaced:
- indisputable evidence of a squad of multiple shooters rather than a lone gunman
- the relocation of one of Paddock’s airplanes between Virginia airports after an ATF agent was killed in the cover-up of Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious gun-peddling operation
- the visits of Paddock and companion Marilou Danley to the UAE, Jordan and Israel while President Barack Obama was starting to turn against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Paddock as Agency Spy against ISIS

These morsels of vital information indicate that Paddock served for a long-time as contract agent for CIA-FBI gun-running and as a possible trained assassin.

The Mandalay Bay affair was likely part of a covert program to transfer weapons from the vaults of the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agency of Homeland Security), fitted with hidden RFID tracking chips, to ISIS militants inside the USA. Suspecting a sting operation, the ISIS team in Las Vegas shot him to death in his room at the Mandalay immediately before proceeding to fire at the crowd of revelers attending the Route 91 Harvest Festival on Sunday night, October 1.

Police radio chatter and initial reports, especially in cases of politically sensitive crimes against public security, are often the most accurate and therefore invariably followed by disinformation under a politicized official cover-up. For an investigative journalist like myself, who led the probe into the Tokyo Subway gassing, consideration of early-on eyewitness reports and initial police comments is a rule of thumb. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMP) scanner (police-band radio) messages to and from the front-line cops is the indelible first draft, and what comes later is censorship.

The first time-sequence report out of Vegas was posted at reddit under “Gunshots Downtown Right Now?” by Caram2, who was alerted to the gunfire by his sister, a employee at the MGM Grand who escaped the concert by running to the nearby airport. The timeline is fresher and more revealing than his post-event introduction, which was already by then influenced by Fox News’ knee-jerk response of a lone gunman narrative from the FBI.

The comments below are his transcript from the LVMPD scanner. Here are a few notable excerpts of the salient points:

(The first gunshots were at 10:08)
10:11 Sister saying gunshots have slowed/stopped
10:29 2-4 shooters - some officers pinned down
10:38 Police say no shots fired 10-15 minutes
10:47 Scanner says two scenes, injured personnel
10:49 Reno and Trop(icana)
(note: Reno Avenue East is the location of the Tropicana, Excalibur and New York New York Hotels)
11:00 2 locations confirmed at Mandalay Bay and Ali Baba
(note: Henderson’s Ali Baba is a posh Lebanese restaurant.)
11:05 Scanner says 3 shooters unconfirmed. Hacienda and Trop/Vegas?? Has bodies / shooters. Not sure when last shots were fired. Tropicana off-ramp is closed.
(note: The Mandalay Bay is built on the site of the demolished Hacienda.
11:06 Scanner says multiple 419s?? Scanner: do not worry about injured, Neutralize Threat.
(note: 419 stands for “Dead Body”)
11:17 Officers outside the alleged shooter room at the Mandalay. . . .
11:18 NYNY shooter is heading to the Excalibur.
(note: NYNY is the New York New York Hotel two blocks north on Las Vegas Boulevard S)
1:34 Metro (police) press conference: 2 suspects dead/1 detained. One POC.
(note - POC: police officer casualty? Or person of color?)

Making Sense of the Chatter

The sister, who was near the stage, escaped the gunfire after a truck tore down a section of fence and she managed to reach safety at the nearby airport. Her mobile calls from the scene and the airport indicated the firing had slowed within the first 3 minutes. Therefore most of 1,000-2,000 bullets were fired in that short space of time, while the revelers were trying to disperse or find cover.

As part of the politicized gun-control debate, opponents of the Second Amendment have falsely claimed that a bump stock device (which uses recoil to re-engage the trigger) can enable a semiautomatic weapon, like the one found with Paddock, to fire 400 rounds per minute. This is a deliberate deceit, since 400 Rpm, take note here, is the “rate of fire” (as in highest firing rate during bursts) and not the number of bullets that can actually be shot within a minute. 400 shots would require 14 reloads and re-aiming, each requiring about 10 seconds, for a total down time of more than 2 minutes.

The FBI photo taken in Paddock’s hotel room showed a stack of curved AK-47 magazines, each holding 30 bullets; there was no bandolier-type machine-gun belt in sight. Therefore, the lone gunman narrative is preposterous, and anyone who put this sort of nonsense forward, especially from law enforcement, is a knowing liar. For that reason alone, the bump stock ban proposed in Congress should be voted down, at least until the proponents admit their deception and agree to stick to facts.

Multiple shooters, 5 or more sites

Aside from the Mandalay Bay, the police-radio intercept disclose two other nearby shooting scenes: the Tropicana and New York New York hotels. The Tropicana hotel-casino is located across Las Vegas Boulevard South (aka The Strip) about a half block from the Mandalay Bay (the southernmost on The Strip). It directly adjoins the site of the Route 91 Harvest Festival, opposite the Mandalay.

The rapid-fire shooting from the Tropicana is, therefore, consistent with eyewitness reports of a “crossfire” by the second shooter, who was likely killed by the police, as reported at the first Metropolitan Police news conference.

A third shooter, firing from New York New York hotel, is reportedly in detention, presumably captured while trying to flee in a car across the boulevard to the Excalibur. The NYNY is across the boulevard from the Tropicana, or the same side of the street as Mandalay Bay (and the Luxor). It is at a catty-corner from the open-air concert venue.

There were three firing points in a deadly triangle, just like the trio at the Paris Bataclan (only 2 gunmen were killed, and one escaped) and Orlando Pulse (1 killed, 2 escaped). Triangulation is intended to keep the crowd confined rather than making a quick [escape]. (In a shooting situation, every couple of seconds feels like [a] minute, when perception time slows to a crawl, and therefore within 20 seconds targeted individuals should be able to dash to escape or find cover, that is, in the case of a single gunman.) Even with those three shooters, at least one of them must have used a belt-loading machine gun, probably similar to a 7.62mm NATO standard, to account for the intense firepower within three minutes, along with the basso boom from the muzzle blast.

Guests and staff at a different set of two or three hotels also heard low-caliber gunfire, shootings which so far can be interpreted as a diversionary action intended to confuse the police. These secondary shootings were at the Bellagio and Caesar’s Palace, and probably the Aria, at the corner of Flamingo Avenue, two blocks north of the Harvest Festival. Later that night a local civilian resident with a rifle tried to enter Caesar’s apparently hav[ing] hear[d] about gunshots fired inside.

The gunfire at the Ali Baba Lebanese restaurant was later denied, although it may have been a misfired weapon kept ready for back-up to assist the escape of the hotel gunmen.

Therefore, the hit squad in Las Vegas included a minimum of 5 gunmen, though more likely 6-7 shooters, with a contingent of support personnel for communications, logistics, transport and to trip up hotel security. Hotel staff at the Mandalay saw an assailant in a hotel security uniform being chased down a hall by police officers.

The attack on Las Vegas was a small-scale paramilitary operation, probably involving a squad of radical Muslim ISIS supporters to avenge Obama’s betrayal of the Caliphate. One serious problem is the code of silence among the hundreds of Muslim hotel workers and chauffeurs along The Strip, whose ultimate loyalties are with sharia law and not the U.S. Constitution. Vegas was a classic case study of the absolute failure and delusions about Muslim integration under the democratic traditions of American society. That is an undeniable fact contributing to the murder and mayhem, politically incorrect though it may be.

On the side of caution, one cannot discount the possibility an Israeli Mossad deep-cover false-flag operation aimed at ensuring more military aid from the U.S. against Iran and other foes. As for “crisis actors”, these professional clowns are hired after the event in order to divert attention away from the actual trauma victims. The online bloggers who spread this sort of chum for fools are cogs in the repressive machinery of state.

For Paddock, to balk was a death sentence

The only remotely honest law-enforcement official with a public presence, LVMPD Joseph Lombardo, stated that suspect Paddock intended to survive the massacre. His assessment was based on the presence of an explosives-making chemical and more guns inside his car, which was parked in the Metropolitan. In other words, Paddock did not commit suicide, and there was no reason to wait for the SWAT to arrive.

Since the firing had ceased by around 10:20 p.m., and the SWAT team did not storm his room until after 11:00, Paddock had 40 minutes to make his escape in the crowd of panicked guests down the elevators to the parking level. Why didn’t he exfiltrate?

The only possible answer is: Because he was already dead, killed before the shooting spree started. Who would have killed Paddock just prior to the gunfire on the crowd below? One of the gunmen, of course.

Why? Because the would-be “buyers” of his stash of guns for sale (none of them were legally purchased from registered firearms dealers, as implied by media fakery) had long suspected that his offer of guns for sale was bait in an FBI-CIA trap. The ISIS knew very well that his disingenuous conversion to Islam was a ploy hatched by his bosses at the CIA and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency).

So the jihadists offered him one last test of faith before his “martyrdom”. At every terror site, at least one dead martyr must be left behind for the lone gunman myth, which benefits both the political class to appease the public anger and also the terrorists trying to conserve manpower for their next strike. Paddock was more useful as a fall guy than as a fighter.

To flush out informers, crime groups will often order a new member to murder an undercover police informant or a friend in a rival gang, as depicted in the Johnny Depp movie “Donnie Brasco”. In real life and in the movie, Joe Pistone aka Brasco was shrewd enough not to flinch and shot his pal Tony Mirra, to the satisfaction of the Bonnano mob, and no further questions were asked. Joe/Donnie earned their trust as an unquestioning obedient henchman.

During the meeting to transfer the traceable guns to the ISIS men in his 32nd floor room at the Mandalay, his client(s) would order him to start shooting at the concert-goers below. Caught totally off-guard by this demand to kill fellow Americans, Paddock would have balked. Instead of giving a straight answer, he probably requested a moment of prayer in the bathroom to think it over, allowing him to message his FBI support team.

His prayer was answered with a gunshot to the back of the head. That bloody head is edited out the FBI photo of his body, if indeed that was his actual corpse. (Since he was laid out with a Kevlar vest, why wouldn’t he also have worn a helmet to deflect bullets?) That’s when the ISIS team leader would text-message his gunman to commence the slaughter. They had no need for Paddock’s dodgy cache of weapons; they brought their own heavier machine-guns to the fatwa fiesta.

Now, boys and girls, if you want to be a secret agent for the Feds or the Agency, whenever the bad guys tell you to mow down your teammates, just do as they say and make sure there are no wounded survivors who might recognize you as one of their own and moan to you. “Jeez, good to see you again, hey, how come you’re not wearing a badge?” Kill everyone, even your loved ones, or you too will soon join the dead. That’s what it takes to be a first-class Fed, utter ruthlessness arising from the will to survive with no space for regrets or chance of redemption. It’s a lonely life that exits in hell.

Every Breath You Take

The sting operation known as Fast and Furious, initiated in 2009 by Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder turned into a self-inflicted disaster for law enforcement and national security. Supposedly traceable guns, embedded with RFID chips, were sold to the Mexican drug mafia. The concept was to track the homing devices inside the guns along the supply chain of felons up the ladder to the big bosses in Cuidad Juarez, Sinaloa state, the capital and other major smuggling hubs and money-laundering centers.

Since mobile-phone service and hot-spots can be spotty in those backwaters, the FBI lost track of those firearms. It’s likely that the Mexican smugglers knew Fast and Furious was too good to be true, and took apart a gun to locate the tracking device. An estimated 10,000 civilian fatalities are attributed to those rapid-fire weapons, including American law-enforcement officials along the border, a blow-back which led to an abrupt end of gun-walking. (The term means letting the criminals walk into a gun shop for an illegal purchase and walk out with firearms, in that case across the borderline.)

The killings of Americans with Holder’s guns resulted in an internal-affairs probe into the source of those firearms, which was the arsenals of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms bureau (ATF, under the Department of Homeland Security). The Obama White House responded with a self-protective cover-up, and ATF bosses were under heat to perjure themselves before Congress. So this is when Stephen Paddock’s airplane and his inexplicable wealth enter this dark picture show.

Homicide or Suicide?

That’s how one headline described the 2013 deaths of 20-year veteran ATF agent Paul Parisi and his wife Janine inside their home in Chantilly, Virginia. As an arson and explosives expert, Parisi was stationed at the local ATF field office, near the top-level forensic laboratory at Quantico, the FBI Academy, which also serves the scientific requests of Pentagon’s investigative unit called the Defense Security Service (DSS).

One of the questions related to Fast and Furious was the possible role of a suspected mafia mole inside U.S. law enforcement, so DNA testing and chemical analysis were meticulously done on recovered Fast and Furious guns, putting Paul Parisi on the wrong side in the eyes of certain higher-up circles who were not eager to see his forensic findings reach Congress.

A Big Bopper’s Chantilly Lace

In that same area of Virginia, starting in 2006, one Stephen C. Paddock (the Las Vegas suspect’s middle name is Craig), who was a resident of Henderson, Texas, and Mesquite, Nevada, based his Cirrus SR20, tail number N5343M, at Chantilly airfield. But then, just months after the Parisi deaths, he relocated the home field of that single-engine propeller plane 22 miles away to an airstrip at Roanoke.

Parked at Roanoke for the next three years, the same-model Cirrus with identical tail number N5343M was registered as belonging to Volant LLC, which conducts top-secret assignments in intelligence and defense operations, something like the Mission Impossible team. Three weeks prior to the Vegas massacre, however, the Cirrus made its first recent flight, presumably by Paddock or another Agency pilot to deliver his consignment of guns to Las Vegas.

Thanks to a vigilant citizen online by name of Mike, that defense contractor is now in the spotlight. The limited liability company describes its team of experts as follows: “A Volant Associate proudly serves the needs of the nation’s Intelligence and Defense Community. Each associate matches a specific and rigorous profile and is the absolute best of his or her breed: a dedicated, driven, educated, broadly experienced leader who holds, at a minimum, an active Top Secret SCI clearance”

To translate the alphabet soup: Top Secret (TS); SCI means Sensitive Compartmented Information, or high-level access to classified information on file. This lacework of acronyms can deadlier for one’s health than arsenic.

A notable feature of the Cirrus SR20 model is its rocket-opened parachute, which prevents a damaged aircraft from crashing into buildings while carry dangerous cargo, for example, explosives or ammunition. With seating for 4 passengers (which can be used for cargo space) and a range of 780 nautical miles, the Cirrus is an ideal plane for arms traffickers, involved in Fast and Furious and/or its successor program transporting spooky guns to Islamic radicals.

Online access to various employment agencies connected with Volant LLC have been blocked since recent revelations of Paddock’s long-time relationship to that defense contractor.

Dad was FBI’s Most Wanted

How could the eldest son of a bank robber, diagnosed as a psychopath, on the FBI Most Wanted List, become a government-trusted military contractor and a multimillionaire (with no visible means of support)?

A migrant from Sheboygan, Wisconsin, to the Sunbelt, his father Benjamin Hoskins Paddock Jr. was arrested several times in the 1950s for automobile larceny, con games and passing bad checks, resulting in debts from which he tried to bounce back with two armed robberies of the Valley Bank in Tucson, Arizona, 1959-60. While serving a prison sentence, Big Ben (6’2” tall) staged a prison break in 1969 and was on the lam for 7 years, operating under a false identity as a bingo parlor operator in Oregon. Although none of his sons admit to being in contact with him, the family somehow survived on his ill-gotten lucre despite the FBI watch on their Tucson home.

At the time of the prison escape and his posting on the Most Wanted list, Stephen Paddock was 15 years old, the eldest of four sons raised by their single mother. Despite the present-day media’s attempt to cast a “like father, like son” psychoanalysis on Stephen, in fact he managed to earn a business degree from Cal State Northridge, which qualified him to work as accountant and also trained him in algorithms, later needed to win big at video poker in casinos. Methodical, calm and low-key, his biography so far has showed no signs of his being a psychotic.

What is incongruous for the son of a fugitive bank robber, however, is that his entire working career, which lasted a mere 12 years, was with the federal government, indicating the “protection” of the FBI. His first job was as a letter carrier, a mailman for the U.S. Postal Service, a routine that would prove useful later for his work as an intelligence contractor, if the mission required getting people to open their front doors and passing through neighborhoods unnoticed.

After a short stint as an IRS auditor, he worked from 1985-89 as an “in-house auditor” for an as-yet unidentified aircraft maintenance company, which was later merged into Lockheed. Just a mere one year into that better-paying job, Paddock plonked down $400,000 cash to purchase outright a large house in Northridge, California.

High Flier, High Times

What’s sticks in my craw is those dates of employment at the mystery company, simultaneous with Air Cocaine flights into Mena Airfield, a major aircraft maintenance center in Arkansas while Bill Clinton was governor. It was one of few jobs in that era where an ordinary employee (pilot or ground crew and managers) could earn a tax-free million dollars a year. Perhaps not by accident, Stephen Paddock and the husband of Marilou Danley own homes in Fayetteville-Springdale in the northwest corner of Arkansas, where east-west US Highway 40 meets north-south state road 71 to Mena.

Whether or not his high times at Mena including helping Bill and the Hill roll up a carpet for Vince Foster, Paddock’s subsequent low-profile career was as a small-plane pilot, shuttling contraband or people on contract with intelligence agencies or the Pentagon. News reports indicate he often flew a small plane from Nevada to Alaska during the annual hunting season, a flight distance farther than Honduras to Arkansas. For the Alaskan trips, he’s hauling a rifle of sufficient caliber to down a moose and maybe a few dollars more of extra hardware and ammo to offload in Idaho or Seattle.

OK, the question begs for an answer: Was Stephen Paddock a CIA assassin, as the ones in Robert Ludlum Bourne series? We still have to locate the shallow graves, even if planes can also be used to dump bodies into lakes and oceans. In “Vegas”, poor Joe Pesce had to use a shovel to dig holes in the desert.

ISIS Loyalty Pledge

The ISIS website boasts that Paddock was converted to Islam in April 2017, pledging allegiance to their jihad. He probably crossed the threshold on one of his cruise ship tours from Greece to the Middle East, which included stopovers in Dubai and Jordan, accompanied by his female companion Danley, who claims to have a niece in the UAE. Jordan is landlocked and the best method of entering that country is through the Israeli port of Aqaba.

Since it is by now certain that Paddock was a contract agent for U.S. intelligence, the Mideast cruise indicates:

- first, that he entered the region by cruise ship to avoid detection at airports where he was probably a known commodity since the invasion of military contractors during and after the Iraq wars; and
- second, a CIA or DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) staffer, or a Mossad agent, would have escorted him for a quick briefing from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Jordanian border for his upcoming meetings with ISIS.

Both Dubai and Jordan are major hubs for the Muslim Brotherhood, which was involved in the Hillary-Obama fiasco known as the Arab Spring and financed by the jihadist Emirate of Qatar. Lest Americans have forgotten by now, the Brotherhood launched the first attempted attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 and its members were aboard the 911 jetliners. Presumably, many and perhaps most of the captains of ISIS came out of the Brotherhood, the “grandfather of modern jihad”.

Here again in the Paddock caper, the CIA-DIA revealed a basic lack of common sense, even after losing captured “aid workers” to ISIS decapitators. Besides, who in their right mind would join ISIS when its barracks and arsenals were being pounded daily by Russian airstrikes? For Stephen Paddock, however, volunteering for this fool’s errand was perhaps his way of making up for the crimes of his father against American society. He was trying to redeem the family name, as hopeless and suicidal as that may seem. There’s nothing like Christian guilt to bring on Sharia law.

Gift from Heaven

The masterminds of ISIS must have seen Paddock’s oath of fealty as a gift from Above, a doorway into the American heartland, even though it was through the tiger’s den, a trap laid by the CIA. By then, ISIS had a grudge match with President Barack Obama after he reneged on the trans-Syrian pipeline from Qatar to the Mediterranean and onto Cyprus and Ukraine, meant to compete with the hatred Russians who have a near-monopoly on European gas supply.

Despite the risks of entrapment, the ISIS chieftains had every reason to feel confident about the planned strikes on Orlando, Vegas and San Francisco, cities that represent to the Islamic community the sins of bestiality, gambling and homosexuality. The Muslims were gaining the upper hand against their Satanic foe. The Awan brothers team had control of the computers in the House of Representatives, thanks to Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Tim Kaine along with the California Democrats were staunch in their support for open immigration and sanctuary cities, havens for ISIS sleeper cells; Obama’s Pizzagate team set up a transport network for DACA children, ensuring a bright future for Islam in the New World; and Khizer Khan was gaining influence in the DNC. The counterattack was proceeding way faster than Saladin’s slow drive against the Crusaders.

While Stephen Paddock’s intelligence bosses were eager to put marked guns in the hands of jihadist supporters in America, ISIS was many steps ahead of the intel bureaucrats like James Comey and John Brennan or Loretta Lynch. If the killings at the Orlando Pulse were an initial taste of glory, the assault on Las Vegas would surely be a bumper harvest, a fiesta for the fatwa.

While Paddock and his Agency superiors prepared the trap, as neatly as he would fill an accounting ledger, the ISIS gunmen took their stations at the Bellagio, Caesar’s Palace, the Aria, New York New York, Tropicana and the Mandalay Bay, while an armed back-up team delicately nibbled on baklava with Turkish coffee, awaiting order.

For Americans, a ghastly horrifying Halloween came early; but for ISIS the Autumn Moon glowed like honey with a sweet taste of revenge. In the Hijri calendar, the night of Oct. 1-2, 2017, marked the Islamic New Year, a blood sacrifice followed by a new dawn promising victory.
Where to Go from Here

What’s the prognosis? More of the same, because American society, including the self-serving political class, is much too narcissistic and divided to put up effective resistance to sustained attacks from fanatics who have no fear of dying and every reason to kill, in an era when citizens cannot even agree to stand up for the national anthem or celebrate Columbus day, or rally around the commander in chief, exulting in a frenzy of political correctness that puts one’s private issues like sexual orientation over hard personal sacrifices for the common good.

The War on Terror and the Arab Spring, along with the absurd extremism of political correctness, as many of their critics like myself repeated warned in all seriousness, have had devastating consequences for the United States and its democratic norms and cultural traditions. Until there is a minimal degree of unity as a nation, based on a sea change for hearts and minds, the situation will deteriorate.

In contrast to the attack on Pearl Harbor, which united the country often to excessive zeal, the Las Vegas Massacre was a sharp blow that fragmented the USA into a million broken pieces that may possibly never be glued back together again. Regardless of the folly and disunity of all the sunshine soldiers and anti-social nationhood haters, those who struggle to revive America as a Good Nation, while realizing that greatness has been permanently lost, will trudge through the approaching Valley Forge of our time toward the battle ahead.

[JP Maxwell note:  Many of you can remember the U.S. Congressional Hearings in August of 1995 concerning the FBI/BATF's assault on the Brand Davidian Complex in Waco, Texas in 1993.  The hearings revealed the truth that David Koresh was simply buying and selling firearms publicly with nothing to hide when a search warrant being served on him was botched by the FBI and Federal Agents were shot along with a number of Branch Davidians.  This resulted in the 51-day stand-off with Federal Agents and the ultimate destruction of the Branch Davidian Complex by the U.S. Military, FBI, BATF, and local and state law-enforcement agencies.  We also know the FBI was involved in the first attempt at blowing up the World Trade Center Towers in NYC in 1993.  The above article, while speculative in varying degrees, is not altogether dismissable in light of the history of the FBI and ATF botching raids and murdering innocents to cover their tracks.  They were found negligible at Ruby Ridge and Waco and later during the Boston Marathon bombings.  Could it be that they are again liable in the Vegas Massacre?]

Friday, May 5, 2017

New Website Now Online!

WASHINGTON - The companion website for Zephon Ministries is now online.  Check it out today!

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Wolves of Christendom

WASHINGTON - In our last blog this writer briefly touched upon what it takes to be a disciple of the LORD Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures in lieu of what men and organizational sects of Christianity may claim.  The Orthodox Christian gospel is first defined by Jesus Christ, then His Apostles, and then via the Holy Ghost through the Scripture and lastly the early church fathers of the first 100 years of Christianity.  Christian orthodoxy, today, is most often ill-defined when offered by popes, priests, or pastors foremost because the definitions offered are the interpretive partiality of late century writers and theologians.  

The majority of American Evangelical Christianity in the present hour possess a Protestant mindset believing doctrines which are often times opposed to Scripture.  For example, if you were to conduct a poll and question Christian believers if such reformed doctrines as eternal security, "once saved-always saved", as well as the total depravity of man are solid biblical teachings most would answer in the affirmative.  Yet none of these doctrines originate in the Scripture but rather come to us through the teachings and interpretations of men dating to the early 14th century. 

The Bible, especially the New Testament, if read honestly without any preconceived notions or bias from previous indoctrinations is its own best interpreter.  While men like Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin and others enlightened the Scriptures for future generations in many respects they also did great damage to a proper interpretation of many passages by infusing their own personal bias into their understanding of the Holy Writ rather than allowing the Scriptures to interpret themselves.  

When a reader allows the Bible exclusively to interpret itself a single conclusion cannot help but to be deduced.  The deduction most often reached by genuine purveyors of Scripture states clearly and concisely that the majority of those who are "believers" do not press on and finish the course set out before them in order to become disciples of Jesus Christ.  Just like our ancient Hebrew brethren of Israel, most of which were destroyed in the desert, most who label themselves Christian today will not enter into the kingdom of God.  As a consequence, these same believers do not inherit the kingdom of heaven no matter their initial profession of Faith and forgiveness of sins past.  In other words, they fall away into apostasy which is simply a departure from Truth.  The most oft quoted verse in defense of this position is Matthew 7:13.

One of the main reasons so many have been misled for so long is on account of false shepherds, false prophets, and false teachings being brought to the forefront while Truth and solid biblical doctrines have been purposely shoved to the back.  Today, an emergent church philosophy, (click here) has arrived which claims to be Christian. However, lift the veil and underneath the shiny biblical veneer appears a universalist gospel perfectly in line with the Masonic credo of 'all paths lead to heaven.'

In the following paragraphs it is not my intent to disparage or condemn any of the persons mentioned but only to bring to light the many wicked fruits and false teachings these men are promulgating today in order to purposely deceive and steer Christian believers into a false sense of security.  I must reiterate the fact that these deceivers are doing this purposely and not ignorantly.  While true Christian brethren should seek not to part ways over non-essential doctrinal and theological differences they may subscribe to when it comes to the Orthodox Christian Faith - they must, at the same time, stand firm and earnestly contend for the Faith against those who seek to compromise, pervert or alter it altogether.

In order to seemingly remain in the 'bonds of peace' (ref. Colossians 3:14, Ephesians 4:3), many Christians tolerate blatant sin and disobedience inside the churches as if they were obeying the commandment given in 1 Peter 4:8 when in actuality they are disobeying Jude 1:3-4.

Additionally, so as not to seem Pharisaical, this writer gives testament to the fact that all of these men mentioned below have been personally responsible and vitally instrumental in prodding many people toward an initial Faith in Jesus Christ. Moreover, it can be honestly stated that these men have gone to great lengths, not only to appear righteous, but have accomplished innumerable righteous works in helping many destitute of both Faith and the necessities of life to find Truth and comfort. As well, they all have used some Scriptures accurately which will always show the integrity of God rather than the prowess of men.

Even considering the above, most people today who label themselves Christian are quite gullible and spiritually immature; so much so that when a teacher or evangelist greater in worldly stature than themselves appears on the scene they readily buy into their cleverly crafted and deceptive lies.  This is because they fail to biblically test everything these men say or do.  They've been indoctrinated to understand that a Christian must not judge but must love the brethren no matter how they may use or abuse the name of Jesus Christ.  These immature believers are beat over the head with verses like Matthew 7:1 and John 8:7 thus being taught they must never judge another person. 'Babes in Christ' such as these are so afraid of appearing unkind, judgmental, pugnacious and unloving that, in many instances, they have extinguished their directive from on High to stand uncompromisingly steadfast in defense of the Faith.

This is a great tragedy.  Christians are commanded to judge each other.  They are commanded to enforce discipline in the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 5:1-7) and cast off those who adhere to a different gospel, (Galatians 1:6-10).  While the Apostle Paul was admonishing the Galatian church against the Judaizers of the first century who were trying to bring Gentiles under the Law of Moses as well as the Gnostics who were seducing many to believe that Jesus Christ was not "God in the flesh" - these verses also caution all generations to be wary of men that come to us in sheeps clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves.  

Likewise, when the Apostle Paul addressed the church in Corinth about their hypocrisy and commanded them to excommunicate those in their midst who continued to commit brazen sin inside the body of believers it was not a 'one-time only' admonishment solely for the early church.

"Christian" Praise & Worship Rock Band
How many churches today have so-called praise bands playing diabolically sensual rhythms and satanically inspired musical beats daring to call it worship pleasing to God? Or, how many young people writhing in fornication and adults committing adultery weekly attend Christian services?  What about the plethora of pastors and teachers introducing and promulgating extra-biblical doctrines as Scriptural truths?  Is it any wonder why the sects of Christianity today are so immersed in the cares and affairs of this life so much so that it's nearly impossible to distinguish between the behaviors of those inside the churches from those on the outside?

Serving two masters
Case in point, one of the largest politically active voting blocks in the United States of America label themselves as 'born-again' evangelical Christians. This despite the fact that the Scriptures command Christian disciples to have nothing to do with the worldly dictates concerning the kingdoms of men, (ref. Revelation 18:4).  This certain verse, in its immediate context, is directly speaking to first century Christians who were immersed in the Judaic whore of Babylon, spiritually speaking, which comprised the melding of church and state consisting of Imperial Rome on one hand and Judaism on the other.  It also speaks to Christians throughout history who've sought to align themselves with the kingdoms of this world through oaths and pledges of allegiance rather than separating themselves in order to remain a "called out" remnant unto God of 'pilgrims and aliens' in this present evil age.

This leads to the point of this article.  Some men who have presented themselves to the world as 'born-again' evangelical leaders in the churches of Jesus Christ, especially in America, are nothing more than charlatans.  Throughout their lives they have introduced false teachings into the church of Jesus Christ with the stated goal of helping to subdue the nations of the world, both politically and ecclesiastically, for whom they believe to be their coming Messiah.  However, those with eyes to see and ears to hear recognize these men as purveyors, not of holiness and righteousness, but of compromise, distortion, and lawlessness.  

Men who writhe in darkness today continue to pursue a new world order conglomeration where, they believe, a godlike spiritual entity will preside in human form to lead their great plan of world conquest and dominion.  Most men who comprise the effort to implement an Anglo-Saxon mission originate in the West.  And most of these Westerners claim to be Christian.  

In this article I'd like to look at men who've joined hands, as it were, to initiate the masses into this new age religion of sorts.  These men are self-proclaimed Christians.  The majority of evangelicals accept these men, not only as believers in Jesus Christ, but wonderful disciples as well. 

Again, while it is not up to any of us individually to condemn these men's hearts, for that is the domain of God alone, we must judge the fruit these men produce and ask firmly whether or not it aligns with Scripture.  Many would say these men have obeyed the commandment to love the brethren yet what love is it that distorts Truth, maligns biblical discipleship, and exhorts idolatry?

The churches of Christ in the West have not fallen into apostasy because of overt persecution but because of covert infiltration.  The great deceiver of mankind persecuted the early church with wicked tenacity.  For 300 years after the Ascension of Jesus Christ the church suffered it's worst torments and horrors at the hands of evil men inspired by the Dragon, yet the Church grew by leaps and bounds.  

Constantine the Great
However, once Satan changed tactics and through subterfuge lavished the Church with government approval, even granting it legal recognition through the Edict of Milan, the Church began to fall into a great departure from the Truth.  Within 20 years, by some accounts, the Christian churches had descended into such a debilitated state that naivete ruled the day.  Christians lacked basic discernment along with spiritual maturity and understanding - so much so that once Emperor Constantine invited them into his government they began to justify putting each other to the sword.  That is, Christian began killing Christian.
This same tactic was employed 225 years ago upon the founding of the United States of America.  Evil men realize that in order to prosper in this life and engender a relatively peaceful and democratic government it behooves them to enlist Christians into their ranks and decree Christian ideals in order to use them for a means to their end of material gain and financial prosperity.  This end has enabled wicked men to achieve nothing short of world domination in our present time via their inferior god: Providence.

The great Roman Caesar Constantine used the legalization of Christianity to such a degree through his successful melding of church and state that he was able to conquer the known world during his reign.  This was the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church and the replacement of political Caesars with ecclesiastical Popes.  No longer were heads of state as important and powerful as the head of an apostate Church.

Billy Graham and Pope John Paul II
Young America employed this same tactic using a Gnostic form of Christianity to further its imperialistic quest to rule the world.  The occult religion of Masonry infiltrated American Christianity to such a degree in the late 1700's that today Freemasons not only run the Roman Catholic Church abroad but have completely infiltrated American Evangelicalism to the point where today nearly every church in the United States equates republican values as biblical and the support of America, both financially and militarily, as one's godly duty.  

The love of America in Christian circles does not come naturally but through coercion and indoctrination.  For the love of America stands in staunch juxtaposition to the love of God.  Therefore, in order to equate worship of the One true Sovereign, (YHWH) with the worship of America citizens of the United States had to acquiesce.  And who better to achieve this goal then an evangelical Christian.

Eisenhower and Graham
One of the most well liked wolves today parading about as one of the sheep, whose strings have been pulled for decades by a wicked brood of devilish vipers, is the Rev. Billy Graham.
Truman and Graham
As I write this article the 95 year old Graham is once more in the hospital with health issues.  Let us pray the LORD will grant centenarian status to Mr. Graham that he may have time yet to offer up the fruits worthy of repentance.  When this man dies his legacy will be plastered over every news channel and every periodical.  His message will again become popular and his memorabilia will be idolized and fetch iconic sums of money.

So many American Christians lack spiritual discernment today that even the mere mention of one of their "sacred cow" evangelicals being manipulated by dark forces sends them into such obstinate dissertations decrying false accusations they respond by grasping even tighter to the lie. Rather than holding more firm to the truth thereby earnestly contending for the Faith these 'Christians' set out to attack their detractors.

Just because a man may be used of the Spirit of Christ to lead others toward salvation and the kingdom of Heaven does not by necessity dictate the same man to be above reproach.  It seems that most within the churches today will not challenge the teachings of false prophets for no other reason than they are enamored by these men and their seeming use of Scripture as they conjure the Name of Jesus.

While Jesus Christ Himself warned His first century listeners to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing many today disregard the admonition as though it does not pertain to them personally.  Did He not say, "Many will come in MY name saying I AM CHRIST, and will deceive many"? (Matthew 24:5)  A lot of Christians interpret this verse the wrong way.  It is not saying that false prophets would arise proclaiming they are the promised Messiah, but rather, many CHRISTIANS would proclaim that Jesus is the Christ and would then proceed to deceive a lot of people.

Billy Graham has been given an agendum.  Just as the Roman Caesar Constantine brought many Christians into his inner circle in order to use them for his own nefarious purposes so, too, have modern day Caesars (American Presidents) brought evangelicals into their midst. 
Many have provided evidence that Billy Graham is a Freemason despite his vagueness to the contrary.  A recent reprinted edition of The History of Freemasonry, by Albert G. Mackey (1807-1881), lists Billy Graham has one of the most influential Masons of the 20th century.  

Zephon Ministries has expounded profusely on the Luciferian underpinnings of Freemasonry and its overt satanic foundation so I direct the reader to research these truths apart from this present writing, (click here).

Graham and Kennedy
Billy Graham follows the Masonic creed, all the while being more in tune with Romanism than with Evangelicalism.  He continues to be courted by U.S. Presidents as well as Popes, uniting with their teachings and philosophies rather than opening them up to public shame and biblical admonishment.  For those who wish to understand how Graham became corrupted as early as the 1950's the video below is quite informative.  Zephon Ministries does not endorse all the conclusions reached by the producer and therefore only provides this as an educational resource.

Nixon and Graham
During the Nixon administration Billy Graham was named as one of the "Christian Mafia" (click here) who engaged in very deceptive activities as President Nixon used Graham as an adviser on how to counter Christian backlash during the Watergate scandal. 

Cameron and Graham in Hollywood
While many think Dr. Graham's son, Franklin, has been given the reigns to carry forward his ecumenical message, in truth Franklin has only taken over the operations of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.  The one being groomed to replace Mr. Graham and his message of Americanism is Hollywood actor, Kirk Cameron.  Mr. Cameron was the one who presided over the dedication of Graham's occultic star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  He has been instrumental in furthering Mr. Graham's stated purpose of drawing American "Christians" into another spiritual awakening. 

Cameron dedicates Star to Graham
While on the surface it may appear that what Graham and Cameron are promulgating may be admirable and righteous - the opposite holds true. These men are purposely steering Christians into a political stance that mirrors occult and idol worship under the guise of Christian servitude and allegiance to America. 

Robertson Masonic handsign
Kurt Cameron is not a naive Christian.  Nor is he one who has simply been misled.  He has purposely sought to align himself with the very men in Evangelical circles whose purpose it is to politically dominate the American Government.  Billy Graham has taken Mr. Cameron under his wing in many respects and offered to him the prestige of being the next premier quasi-Christian evangelist to America.  Where Pat Robertson failed in his bid to win the American Presidency in 1988 is it mere speculation to suggest that Kirk Cameron will be given more and more political responsibilities as he is proven to be a pliable tool in the hands of conservative evangelical "Christians"?

Graham at his home with Presidents Bush, Carter and Clinton
It has been no small coincidence that Billy Graham has kept the company of evil men in high places.  While a Christian may fully expect to be brought before kings and counsels if it pleases the LORD - they are to take no thought about such an occurrence or what they would say as the Scriptures state they will be given words directly from the Holy Spirit should the occasion present itself, (ref. Matthew 10:19).  

Clinton and Graham
Graham and the Reagans
However, this is not what Mr. Graham has been doing for nearly 65 years.  He has been purposely leading Christians in America into apostasy and idolatry.  The Scriptures warn men to be wary when the world speaks well of them.  (Luke 6:26).  I have not read one single word from any U.S. President that makes even a remotely disparaging remark against Billy Graham.  The Bible states that Christian disciples of Jesus Christ will be hated by the world, not embraced by it.  It further states that the world will love it's own, (John 15:19).  Why is Billy Graham so cherished by every U.S. President, all of which have pledged their allegiance to demonic secret societies whose stated goal is a Luciferian new world order?

Obama embraces Graham
If Billy Graham is being intellectually, as well as spiritually, honest with Americans then why has he, for the entirety of his ministry, been pushing an ecumenical religion perfectly in line with that of Freemasonry's stated purpose? 

The Masonic "all seeing eye" of their god: Horus.
Why is Graham pushing the same Dispensationalist view of eschatology that Kirk Cameron is? (click here)  That David Barton is?  That Glenn Beck is?  Why are these men inviting Armageddon?  Could it have anything to do with the stated goal of Freemasonry which is fomenting a third world war prior to the formal inauguration of their new world order?

David Barton
Glenn Beck touts the eye of Horus
Next let's look at David Barton.  As highlighted in many articles, (click here), Barton is touting the Christian foundation of America, when such a claim is categorically false.  He has teamed up with Kirk Cameron and Glenn Beck, (an avowed Mormon and ranking Freemason), to come alongside Billy Graham in his quest for a spiritual renewal in America.  Barton is nothing short of a liar as he twists history and the American Founding Fathers remarks so as to give the impression that the foundation of America is wholly Christian in origin when it is actually wholly Masonic.

In fact, Thomas Nelson publishers pulled one of Barton's books because it was proven to be factually inaccurate when it supposed to paint Thomas Jefferson as a Bible-believing Christian when he was an avowed deist, (click here). 

Why are these men so enamored with pushing the "revival" of American spirituality? Is it because they know the spirit they are pushing is antichrist?  Kirk Cameron is touting American ideals as biblical values as are Graham, Barton, and Beck.  They are seeking a revival in America purported to be biblical in nature yet equate falsely the idea that the liberty and faith presented in the Scriptures is the same liberty and faith of American ideals.  

In fact, Barton and Beck, in particular, have gone to great lengths to propagandize unlearned and simple Christian thinkers into believing that the liberty the Apostle Paul spoke of is the same 'spirit of liberty' in America, (ref. 2 Corinthians 3:14).  The liberty Paul spoke of was actually the ability, through the Spirit of Jesus Christ, to be free from spiritual blindness.  Paul was speaking of those Jews who had a veil over their eyes, who could not recognize Jesus as their Christ.  Once they acknowledged Jesus Christ as their Messiah they then truly became free.  The Holy Spirit gave them real freedom.  No longer were they blinded by the Law of Moses.

Ironically, Cameron, Graham, Barton, and Beck are actually causing spiritual blindness via the spirit they are invoking, namely their goddess: Faith.  In ancient Rome this goddess was known as Libertas.  Cameron even produced a film entitled: Monumental, where he equates democratic freedom with righteousness.  These men are substituting the Masonic pyramid of occult righteousness and its concept of liberty, equality, and fraternity, with the Bible's spiritual teaching of true freedom in Christ.  And this is by no means an innocent oversight on their part.  They are purposely instilling in naive Christians the Masonic concept of liberty, (click here).

The biblical source of liberty is the Spirit of the LORD.  Because Graham, Barton, Beck and Cameron along with a plethora of other evangelical dominionists misuse Scripture they have interpreted the context of 2 Corinthians 3:17 to reason that  since America was founded as and remains a Christian nation, according to them, and since we have been granted certain inalienable rights by God that cannot be infringed upon; we must take up carnal weapons and be willing to fight and kill if necessary, to defend our freedoms.  Their faulty reasoning then concludes that since the United States is becoming less free and it's government more draconian it is as a direct result of forsaking the God of our Constitutional Founding Fathers.  Lastly, they conclude we must return to the principles that once made America great so we may again be a prosperous people.

While this sounds noble and patriotic it is, in reality, unbiblical and demonic.  The Founding Fathers of America and the gods and goddesses they invoked comprise the one god in which most of evangelical America trusts.  This is the Great Architect of the Universe.  

The Freemasonic Pentagram/Pentagon
Many times you hear Reformed Protestants reference the God of the Bible as Providence.  While this god is found in the pages of Scripture, this god is not YHWH.  Providence represents the god of this world.  The Spirit of Jesus Christ identifies this god as Satan, (1 John 5:19, 2 Corinthians 4:4). This god is represented in America as a five-pointed star.  This is why you find the pentagram everywhere and on everything.  It represents the ancient wisdom of the occult mysteries personified in the 'light bringer' or Lucifer.  

The reason men like Billy Graham, David Barton, Kirk Cameron and Glenn Beck are dangerous and can accurately be called false prophets is because they are guilty, at the very least, of breaking the commandments.  And not only are they breaking them but they are teaching men to do the same through ignorance, gullibility, and foolishness.  They look to idolatrous graven images representing heathen and pagan deities as holding some esoteric 'keys' to return America to its former glory.  

What these men are knowingly helping to construct are ancient Babylonian and Egyptian mysteries characterized in the double-headed phoenix of Freemasonry.  They are fulfilling the Masonic prophecy . . . Ordo Ab Chao, that is - order from chaos.

While these men can be commended for their flashy marketing techniques featuring concise and appealing sound bites - what they are marketing isn't the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They are making merchandise of you! (2 Peter 2:3)  They are selling a Gnostic and Masonic Christianity that says you can be a disciple of Jesus Christ and, at the same time, be a lover of America and her ideals.  What these men are tempting you to do is to help them reconstruct the once Constitutional Republic of the United States. 

The Bible warns that just a minuscule touch of yeast will quickly permeate the entire lump of dough, (Galatians 5:19).  In like manner, just an infinitesimal amount of error is all it takes to completely corrupt and make void a certain truth.  The Deceiver of mankind is more than willing to allow Christians to embrace a majority of Truth if he can ensnare them with just a tiny lie.  By doing so he has rendered the entire word false and that's all it takes to completely set a person on a path of no return toward destruction.  A path, often times, one did not originally intend to traverse but finds themselves on nonetheless as a result of falling away from the truth.

The videos below are provided for the readers critique.  They are Kirk Cameron's very subtle attempt at indoctrination and propagandizing.  However, for the Scriptural person based in the Truth and having the mind of Christ this writer believes it will become apparent rather quickly how deceptive these teachings are purposely designed to be . . .