Biblical Teaching

Friday, December 14, 2012

Keep Ba'al in xmas

WASHINGTON - For the past 19 years this commentator has abstained from the celebration of the ancient fertility rites of winter otherwise known as "christmas."  Every year I make one more attempt at reaching those who may still have yet to hear the truth regarding this world-wide worship of the dark lord, whom the Bible describes as the Serpent.

Babylonian Sermiramis and Tammuz become Mary and Jesus
Ninety-five percent of Christendom today revels in, right along-side the world, what is known as the Feast of the Nativity, or the Feast of the Annunciation based upon Sol Invictus, the unconquerable sun.  This pagan rite of winter, known as Saturnalia in ancient Rome was celebrated with debauchery and drunkenness at the Temple of Saturn having evolved today into our modern celebration of the christ's mass.

While many Christian historians, almost all being of Roman Catholic origin, have attempted to cloud the mysterious beginnings of this pagan celebration of the winter solstice with justifications for its relevance to today's Church of Jesus Christ, the facts remain that the Nativity is based upon the Old Testament god, Nimrod, his wife Semiramis, the queen of Babylon, and their son, Tammuz.  This is the original "Trinity" and the actual foundation of the Nativity.  

Albeit, nearly 300 years after the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ the church in Constantinople layed the foundations set by Emperor Constantine for the "Christianization" of heathen celebrations predicated upon the aforementioned builder of Babylon and it's Tower of Babel - Nimrod.

Nimrod and The Tower of Babel
The Scriptures are quite explicit that any associations with Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz are abominations in the sight of YHWH. The Old Testament ritual of "weeping for Tammuz" was a heathen practice having to do with the Queen of Heaven and an abomination to God and forbidden for the Children of Israel. It was this worship that gave the world such icons as the "Christmas Tree" and "Hot Cross Buns" despite the best attempts of Christian theologians to explain otherwise.

So why is it year after year most people who proclaim to be evangelical Christians, especially in the West, continue to celebrate the "birth of Christ" just as the rest of the 'religious' world, not to mention nearly the entirety of the heathen world? The simple fact is this: no matter how they try and skirt the issue, they fear man more than they fear God.  Such people believe that somehow the righteous God of the Bible overlooks their pagan celebrations when they cleverly disguise them with Christian activity and definition.  They hold to their ritual, just as the children of Israel, because they believe the Jesus Christ of Scripture in some twisted way appreciates their christmas hymns and carols, their christmas cheer, and their christmas dinners and family gatherings.  They believe that the "spirit of christmas" is the Holy Spirit who promises joy to the world and peace on earth. 

National Mall - Washington D.C.
Little do they care to acknowledge that the real Jesus Christ did not come to bring peace, but a sword.  He came to divide, not to unite.  One only needs look around them and see a christmas tree in every window, in every mall, in every place of worship, in the town square and even on the lawn of the White House and the Kremlin.  Beautiful multi-colored lights adorn homes the world over.  Christmas carols are sung with fervor and glee as cold hands are warmed in front of the Yule-tide log. Is this pleasing to God?  

Absolutely not.  In fact, He states He detests it. He calls it an abomination.  And He commands His children to abstain from fleshy lusts that war against the soul and not learn the ways of the heathen world around them.

The Christianized portrayal of the Feast of the Nativity
So again, why then do the majority of Christians continue to celebrate this pagan ritual year after year?  No matter how much they try and Christianize their practices during this festive time of year does it make it any less an abomination before a most Holy and Righteous God?  Not at all.

So just as Elijah mocked the prophets of Ba'al showing the worship of their false gods to be silly and futile - so too,does this writer.  I laugh in the face of occult organizations like the Knights of Columbus who ardently fight to keep "Christ" in christmas.

The Jesus Christ from Nazareth, of Whom is given the title of Alpha and Omega was NEVER the christ of christmas.  The christ of christmas, today, is a Roman Catholic christ.  A christ named Nimrod.  That is why people put a 'star' atop their christmas trees.  It represents him.  Moreover, it represents the satan. The Ba'al of Ezekiel and Jeremiah's time is still with us today.  Only contemporary man prefers to portray their false christ as a sweet little baby in a manger.  

Wake up Christian - that baby represents Tammuz, not Jesus Christ.  It doesn't matter who you think christmas is about.  The Scriptures make it clear its definitely not about the Risen Christ who died at the hands of wicked men on a Roman cross.

Not once are we instructed to remember the birth of our Savior let alone celebrate alongside a sinful and unregenerate world heathen customs no matter how innocent or admirable we think our intentions to be; celebrating christmas is an abomination to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  It is an abomination!  Where are the preachers of old who used to proclaim such truths?

Less than 200 years ago the churches in America refused to celebrate christmas as they recognized it to be satanic and pagan.  Revelers today go about wishing one another a "merry christmas", including the majority of Christians, ignorantly proclaiming just how much they lack discernment.

The stars of Nimrod - One world, many languages

Our English word "Christmas" is derived from two root words: 'christ' and 'mass'.  The Roman Catholic Mass is known to the Clergy from many "priests" on up to the Pontiff to depict the "death" of Christ.  That is what the Eucharist represents.  The wafer symbolizes, again, Sol Invictus, the invincible sun, the sun god of the Roman Empire.  It does not represent Jesus Christ no matter the ignorance of most.  To say 'merry christmas' actually translates as a Saturnalian term for the riotous or frolicsome, gleeful, or joyful death of Christ.  That is why christmas is to be merry.  It is a direct reference to the pagan festival of ancient Rome.  So to wish one a 'merry christmas' means simply to be be entertained, (make merry) the death of Christ.  But you protest . . . "I thought christmas was about Jesus' birth?" Ignorance truly is bliss, isn't it Christian?

But such is the state of the churches today.  Churches claiming to be Christian, today, are all about love and tolerance.  They love what God hates and they tolerate what He abhors.  Welcome to the new age religion of "we're all God's children."  All of mankind is definitely His creation - but very few does He call his children.  Only those that obey can be considered as such.  The rest he proclaims to be of their father, the Devil.  He calls them bastards who have no right to the promises.  In ancient times this was directed at the Jews who proclaimed to be the seed of Abraham yet rejected Jesus Christ.  Likewise today can it be appropriated to those who claim Salvation yet refuse to obey.

So go ahead Christian.  Continue thinking your actions will come with no consequence.  You think the day will not come that your disobedience will not be punished.  You're too blind to see it already has; you have no discernment. You cannot distinguish between good and evil.  You have succumbed to just what the Bible foretold in the time of the great prophet Isaiah. "Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"  

Christmas is a pagan ritual of heathen customs celebrated for thousands of years the same way it is celebrated today; with decorated trees, with family gatherings, with abundant gift giving, with drunken parties, with warm yuletide carols, with feasts centered upon a wee little baby in a manger, with candles burning and with stars shinning. The star of christmas represents the spirit behind christmas.  However, this star is not the God of the Holy Bible.

Guess again Christian.  I'll give you a hint:  





Friday, May 28, 2010

The Ostrich Syndrome

WASHINGTON - As the reader will notice above, one of the purposes of Zephon Ministries has always been to expose evil by shinning the light of the Holy Scriptures on this present wicked world.  The saying,  ". . . But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived . . ." comes from a letter the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy.

He was talking about the end of the age and went on to tell Timothy that in the last days will come perilous times of great stress and trouble. People will be lovers of self and utterly self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by a greedy desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive, blasphemous, scoffing, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane.  They will be callous and inhuman, relentless, slanderers, troublemakers, loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, and haters of good.  They will be treacherous, rash and inflated with self-conceit.  They will be lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than God.  Although they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it.  That is, their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession.  The Apostle Paul then tells Timothy to avoid all such people and turn away from them; stating further that these people are always inquiring about and getting information but are never able to arrive at a recognition and understanding of the Truth.1

So what has some people able to ascertain the Truth while others remain blissfully ignorant?  There are many reasons but foremost today in America, as well as around the world, is what this writer refers to as the "Ostrich Syndrome."  This is simply defined as what is known as the Pollyanna Principle.  These people are the proverbial 'deaf, dumb, and blind' when it comes to understanding any Truth whether it relates to religion, politics, or science.  The corporate caricature of contemporary Americans is the picture of a human being with their head in the sand.  They have an optimistic outlook on everything even though the facts prove just the opposite of their so-called knowledge.  In the United States, especially, the citizenry has been brainwashed by the news media and propagandized to the point where the average person can no longer think independently for themselves.  This is most notable in religious organizations as well.

Today the deception is so great very few can see through the lies and deceit.  Whether it stems from political leaders or religious figures, most of America's citizenry are simply a bunch of parasites feeding off the teats of the sacred cows of Church and State.  They are sown into the web of control through their love of this world and their greed for money.  They much rather be plugged into the matrix of a faux-reality than have to deal with the Truth.  And what's most alarming to those which are aware is that when the ignorant are gently stirred to awake from their deception they become violently opposed to their saviors.

Evil today is rampant.  While wickedness has always been present since the appearance of Man on this planet it pales in comparison to the violence and greed of today's world.  Men today murder millions in the name of religion and politics.  And they have no remorse, no human compassion, and no soul.  Their god is money and their Lord is the Dragon.

On Saturday, April 10, 2010 a plane carrying nearly the entire Polish government crashes in Russia.  A man just so happens to be filming the fiery aftermath and notices a covert group of soldiers shooting the survivors as they jump from the exploding airplane.  Five days later on Thursday, April 15th, this man is rushed to a hospital in Ukraine in critical condition with multiple stab wounds.  The next day he is stabbed 3 more times in the hospital and unplugged from life support by 3 unidentified men.  Did you hear about this in the mainstream press?  Do you care?  Poland previous to this incident was the only European country not in recession.  It was a country which was not on the Euro as its currency, the Zloty, was one of the most stable currencies in the world.  It was also the only European country that refused to distribute and receive the Swine Flu vaccine.  Now, since the mass assassinations, all of this has changed.

On Tuesday, April 20th, 2010, ten days after the plane crash in Poland an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico explodes killing 11 people.  For those who understand occult numerology they will see that this event was not an accident.  The destruction of the DeepWater Horizon was a terrorist event just as was the Polish plane crash and the Stock Market crash on Thursday, May 6, 2010.  Have you heard of any of this from your local news anchors?  Many have wondered how Man has the technological ability to put himself on the moon over 238,000 miles above the earth but cannot stop an oil leak less than 1 mile below the surface of the ocean.  The reasons are many, but this oil leak was a preplanned event.  It was not an accident.  British Petroleum has been watching their monetary value plunge as their profits flow into the ocean at a rate of almost 100 million gallons over the last 39 days.  Who profits from this?  Just as a few Wall Street Bankers had prior knowledge of the World Trade Center bombings on September 11, 2001 thereby betting mass amounts of money just days prior that the stock of United and American Airlines would plummet so, too, has a very infamous Wall Street firm done again relative to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  Just days before the Deep Water Horizon sunk to the bottom of the ocean Goldman Sachs placed put options on TransOcean betting the stock would take a sudden plunge.  How did they know?

It has also been uncovered that the "live feed" BP was supplying to the worldwide media showing the oil gushing from a 21" pipe on the floor of the Gulf was a looped video only showing a 25 second clip over and over again.  What are they hiding?  When news of this deception became widely known BP stopped the "live feed" and claimed the lens needed cleaning and they would not be televising the "Top Kill" operation. The latest reports indicate there is now a 22 mile long plume of oil 1500 feet below the surface of the ocean and that BP has been spraying the oil consistently with toxic dispersants in order to keep the oil below the surface and away from the prying eyes of the Press.  Experts have said that BP is covering up the Truth along with the U.S. Government.  It isn't as simple as one leaking pipe - the whole oil field has ruptured in numerous locations due to volcanic fractures and BP was chosen as the "fall guy" and a staged terrorist event was perpetuated on the DeepWater Horizon operated by TransOcean in order to stave off public panic.

The sea floor fracture in the Gulf of Mexico above one of the largest oil fields in the Northern Hemisphere is purported to be linked to the recent volcanic activity in Iceland.  Why haven't you heard this on the news?

People are conditioned to believe whatever the "talking heads" of the major network news tell them to believe.  They cannot think for themselves nor ferret out the Truth from amongst the plethora of lies because they fit perfectly into what the Apostle Paul described to Timothy would be the overwhelming character of man at the end of the present age.  People chase money, they follow their own goals and conceits rather than seeking out the Truth of their Creator.  Because of their choices they have been blinded to the reality that surrounds them.

On Thursday, May 6, 2010 financiers watched in utter horror as the New York Stock Exchange had its largest crash in history - falling almost 1,000 points in less than 30 minutes.  The Media quickly assured panic stricken investors that it was just someone with a "fat finger."  That is, someone simply made a mistake and punched in the wrong number and there was nothing to fear.  Meanwhile, the lemmings went back to sleep and dreamed of 'green shoots' of economic recovery.  Ignorance is bliss.  The truth is the market was going into freefall and if the U.S. Government had not intervened and propped it up artificially then the entire financial system would have collapsed globally.

The Economic Crisis in Europe is not a crisis - it is a collapse.  The Euro will collapse, the United States dollar will collapse, and all fiat currencies worldwide will collapse so the new world order monetary unit of electronic debits and credits backed by gold can be introduced.  The debt crisis is by design.  I remember almost 20 years ago telling those around me that the Stock Market would collapse one day along with the American dollar and that the United States would become a third world country writhing in rebellion, martial law, and economic chaos.  I wasn't a seer; I just read what the game plan was by those making it happen.  I was laughed at and chided, but in the end the Truth prevails.  So I don't mind anymore telling people that if they are in debt, if they do not have any liquidity and are strapped to a mortgage, car loans, personal debt, and spend as though the economy will one day bounce back then they might as well go out and dig a hole in the ground and put their head in it - because they do not see what's happening nor what's coming and as a result they will be decimated when it arrives.

The truth of the matter is this world is falling apart.  It is being physically, spiritually, and economically prepared for the full implementation of the New World Order.  While the religious fanatics scream about the end of the world and Armageddon setting their sights on the satanic State of Israel the reality is this planet is being prepared for its demonic savior.

The New Age arriving is best described as an iron fist wrapped around a velvet glove.  That is, most people are welcoming it with open arms not knowing their oppressors will soon reveal their true horrific identity.  The god of this kingdom age on earth is known by many names - but let's employ his Latin name given to him by the Pontificate of Rome many centuries ago.  His name is well-known within and without the Vatican but very few understand it is this savior to which the pagan religion of Roman Catholicism, posing as true Christianity, directs its worship, not to mention the majority of all the world's religions.

The day after the DeepWater Horizon sank along with the subsequent  oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Specola Vaticana, or Vatican Observatory announced in conjunction with its Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) partners in the United States and Germany its new near-infrared space camera which will be used to look for spectacular insights into the formation of the universe.   The Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research is funded not only by the Vatican but numerous scientific observatories world-wide.  And in case you haven't figured out the acronym yet the camera is called LUCIFER.

Why would the Vatican chose to be aligned with the Latin term, Lucifer?  The reason being is fairly simple. Whether Church or State, corporation or fraternal organization, all those behind the fruition of the New World Order worship an angel of Light.  He is the bringer of light and the bearer thereof - his name, Lucifer, literally means such.  He is a false sun god.  The Bible describes the Adversary as one who masquerades as an angel of light.  It identifies him as the Dragon, the Serpent, and the Devil.  So it should be no wonder when those who understand the Truth identify all this worlds players as satanic. 

Whether they are the Pope and his devilish Roman Church or Presidents, Pastors, Kings, and Heads of State who pledge their allegiance to their respective countries - all have been overtaken by greed, vain amusements, and demonic pleasures.  Is it just a coincidence that BP (British Petroleum) has for its logo the shinning sun?  BP says their logo represent Helios, the Greek sun god.  Recently this writer took a friend onto the local campus of a Jesuit founded University.  We went inside the Roman Catholic cathedral and as I pointed out the symbols of the sun everywhere in the architecture, on the altars, and in the foundations this person could not help but to realize truly the world is not as it seems to those who refuse to remain willfully ignorant of the Truth.     

1 II Timothy 3:13 (KJV), 3:1-12 (Amplified)

Truth About the Gulf Oil Spill

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Kingdom of Light - Revisited

WASHINGTON - What has deceived most of Christianity in the United States over the last two centuries has been an understanding, based upon subjective reasoning rather than infallible facts, that the god America's Founding Fathers were reverencing when they spoke of Nature's Creator, Providence, the Great Architect of the Universe, and the Author of Liberty was the Christian God of the Bible.  Were America's Founders truly speaking of YHWH, the God of the ancient Hebrew Israelites, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - the Father of the Son of God, Yahshua (Jesus Christ), as most modern revisionists of history within Christendom tell us or were these monikers of the Founding Father's god reverencing a completely different entity depicted in the Scripture as the Satan, the Adversary - and the Devil?

As is clearly revealed to those who venture to either Philadelphia or Washington D.C., (the foundational governing cities of the empire of 1776 America composed of a confederacy of united states), the sculptures, images, statues, and architecture are those which have been modeled after the archaic gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome - not the single God of the Holy Writ.

In fact, while many Christians can name the cities along the Eastern seaboard of the United States comprising what's referred to as "New England" - can they recall the original name of Washington D.C.?  They know of New Haven, New Hampshire, New London, New Jersey, New Orleans, and New York but do they know of New Rome?  Capitol Hill in Maryland named after the original Capitol Hill of the Republican Senate in ancient Rome, was originally referred to as Government City and Federal City.  However, first it was referred to as New Rome.  It was not until the proclamation by George Washington on March 30, 1791 that New Rome became officially recognized as the District of Columbia - or the city of Washington.

Columbia, or the "land of Columbus", as early America was known - was fashioned after Libertas, the ancient Roman goddess of liberty.  The idol standing in New York harbor is a depiction of the Roman goddess Libertas, today called the Statue of Liberty.  It was this same goddess which appeared to George Washington in the winter of 1777 in a vision he received at Valley Forge.  Washington believed the Divine Hand of Providence, through an angelic female spirit, which addressed him as "Son of the Republic" showed him the future of the United States of America and how he was to conquer his enemies.  Similarly, it was this same spirit which had shown the Roman emperor, Constantine, 1300 years earlier how he was to conquer Europe with the sign of the Maltese cross.  Washington, however, would conquer with the libertarian banner of freedom.  First Religion then the State.

Furthermore, when we look at the U.S. Capitol building today, which was modeled after the Temple of Jupiter in ancient Rome, we see the goddess, Persephone, adorning the pinnacle of the Dome.  The Rotunda pays homage to the Temple of Vesta in Rome and the gods of the Pantheon adorn its ceiling.  What Americans have been told is the Statue of Freedom is actually the goddess of Spring revered by the ancient Greeks as the queen of the underworld and wife of the god Hades, ruler of the grave. 

Why are the gods Mars, Zeus, Poseidon, Vulcan, amongst others, depicted in paintings alongside George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson?  Why was there a statue of Washington portrayed as Zeus placed on the lawn of the U.S. Congressional offices? The Capitol building of the United States has always been reverenced as a Temple of the Sun by its Freemasonic American Founders even having its cornerstone laid in a ground-breaking ceremony by George Washington, dressed in full Masonic attire, on September 18, 1793.  The city comprising the District of Columbia was laid out with all its occult symbology by Washington in the late 1700's. What most Christians do not realize is that Washington D.C., as we see it today, was designed centuries ago by Masons who revered the god of the underworld, not the God of the Holy Bible.

Additionally, the original symbol of the newly formed Republic was the fiery mystical phoenix bird.  It was considered by our Founding Fathers to be a symbol of being reborn in wisdom.  In fact, in 1782 it was placed upon the Great Seal of the United States but was later altered to resemble more the vulture or eagle much to the consternation of the Founders.  The Eagle was the national symbol of the ancient Roman Empire and was a figure representing not only the Caesars, but the Greek god, Zeus.  The secret societies that formed America did not believe the new country was yet enlightened enough to completely embrace their occult philosophy so they hid the reverse of the Great Seal for over 150 years finally revealing it to the public in 1935.

A Catholic priest from the 16th century, Desiderius Erasmus, regarded as a "Christian" humanist, set the foundation for much of what America's Founding Fathers believed when it came to Greek and Roman enlightenment during the Classical era.  He perhaps didn't realize how prophetically he spoke when later the Masonic originators of the New Atlantis known as America fulfilled the warnings he gave.  Erasmus stated that, "under the cloak of reviving ancient literature, paganism tries to rear its head, as there are those among Christians who acknowledge Christ only in name but inwardly breathe heathenism."  This is a perfect description of America's Founding Fathers.

The god of wisdom, according to Masonry's ancient mysteries, was the Egyptian god, Set.  Also known as Hermes, the god of the underworld, by the Greeks.  In Egyptian hieroglyphs this god was illustrated as an obelisk with a pentacle or 5 pointed star above it.  The god Set was revered as the sun god depicted as a blazing star, or the bright star in the heavens named Sirius.  This is why the American Republic adopted the symbol of the pentacle, or 5 pointed star.  It represents the Masons god of Wisdom in the ancient mysteries.

Sirius is known as the "dog star" when it appears in the height of the summer sky.  The "star" representing the Egyptian god Osiris, the blazing star of Sirius, was depicted as Anubis by the ancient Egyptians and "Janitor Lethacus" - the keeper of hell, by the Romans.  Anubis is the god who guarded the gates of death from which were derived dog faced creatures referred to as the "hounds of hell," - the entities which protect and serve the master of the underworld.  It is in adoration to this god that George Washington designed the outlay of New Rome.  This is why the Pentacle is clearly seen in the architecture of Washington D.C.

The foundation of the United States government hinged not upon the Words of the Christian God of the Bible but upon the gods and goddesses of the heavens.  The astrological signs of the Zodiac were what guided the Founding Fathers not the commandments of Jesus Christ.  While some of the Masonic fathers of America used the moral teachings and principles taught by Jesus they did not believe His words were the only source of Wisdom or that He was their Great Architect.  This is why America was officially founded on July 4th, 1776; exactly 13 days after the summer solstice.  The Dog Star, Sirius, was in alignment with the Sun. And the sun, to the Founding Fathers, represented their woshipful Master of wisdom, Set. This same astrological occurrence was the backdrop behind the laying of all of Americas cornerstones, whether the U.S. Capitol building, the White House, or the Washington Monument.  And this is why America is full of Egyptian symbology, Greek gods and goddesses and Roman architecture. 

In the "dog days of summer" - a reference to Sirius, many ignorant Christians worship their country on the Fourth of July thinking they are reveling in wholesome American patriotism when they are only pledging their allegiance to its demonic foundations.  One hundred and fifty years before the Revolutionary War of Independence in 1775 secret societies were thriving in the land of the New Atlantis - America.  In fact, it is estimated that the majority of those who fought in the American War for independence were members of these occult groups.

The reason the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob cursed and destroyed the ancient children of Israel after their miraculous deliverance from Egypt was because they chose to worship the hosts of heaven rather than obey Him. It is no different today nor was it any different 200 years ago.  People plot their lives by the movement of the stars above.  They look to their astrological sign as their guide.  U.S. Presidents and politicians consistently employ the use of soothsayers and astrologers to determine their course of action.  Heathenism and paganism thrive in America, especially in the churches. 

The Universalist god of the deist Founders of America is not the Father of the Messiah of Israel, Jesus Christ; he is the Great Architect of the Universe known as Nature's god. And this providential god, this keeper of hell, is described by the Scriptures as the Adversary, the Devil, and the Dragon. This is why the Pentacle adorns the American Flag; the Pentagram is called upon to gain power in the witches' craft of astrology and the building which houses America's military headquarters is in the shape of a Pentagon.  The U.S. Military leaders worship their god of war, Mars, and depict his likeness on their medal of honor as the inverted pentacle, the 5-pointed star of Satan.  All these symbols represent the same god.  This god is known in many cultures by many names but he is one entity.  The U.S. has sought throughout its history to bring all these different belief systems under a single ruling democratic authority.  This is the real meaning of America's Latin motto: E Pluribus Unum - "out of many - one."

When the rising sun hits the tip of the Egyptian obelisk in Washington D.C., known as the Washington Monument, it illuminates the Temple of the Sun reflecting the blazing star's fiery rays deep into the Capitol Building of the United States of America.  This is what America is all about.  It is about spreading the philosophical flame of illumination to the world. The fire in the torch of the goddess standing in New York represents the Masonic gift of democratic enlightenment to the planet.  It proudly welcomes the Light Bearer to shine forth all his luminescence upon the entire globe.  This is America's secret destiny and purpose.  The Great Work of the United States Empire was never about taking the true gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations but instead in bringing the nations under the kingdom of Lucifer, the Bringer of the Light. This is the Order of their Quest; Ordo Ab Chao, order from chaos.

So to those who believe America has simply been sidetracked or taken over by evil men - I say - wake up.  Study.  And do not be deceived.  Historical evidence overwhelmingly shows that governments have always been in league with the Devil since the early days of even American colonial rule in the 1600's.  This country's blessings come from below, not from above.  America's Founding Fathers believed that as long as they upheld the ancient mysteries their Order of the Quest, passed down through the ages, would guide them into an eternal democratic Republic of fraternity, equality, and brotherhood.  

The people of America, today, have lost their liberties granted to them by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights not because they have failed to act but because they have been deceived by those they trusted blindly.  Just as America's Founders were ignorant of the fact that, while they despised the tyranny of the unjust, they were in rebellion against the True Law Giver, so too are unthinking citizens of the United States today when they equate prosperity with godliness. The majority of churches have failed miserably over the last 200 years.  While there have always been those within America who have not bowed their knee to Ba'al nor seen God's Word return unto Him void - there have also been those who ignorantly believed America was the chosen land of God and that she could do no wrong.  Just as the ancient Israelites believed the LORD's favor would always be upon them no matter their rebellion and unbelieving hearts so, too, do deceived Christians think God will continually bless America despite her fornication with the world. 

The evidence is plain to see if only those who read the New Testament of Jesus Christ believed and practiced what it said.  The ones that have and continue to do so see America for what she always has been from the very beginning; a rebellious harlot.  The deceived, who worship men instead of God and equate blessing with godliness, are the same ones bewailing the tragedy of lost liberties.  These "Christians" of churchianity deserve their fate more than they realize.  They will be thrown into the fire because of their unbelief and love for America.  And should they be refined they most certainly will recognize the new age on the horizon will continue to writhe in rebellion no matter how spiritual it may appear outwardly.  The Founding Fathers quest for an American empire was for the supreme human purpose of realizing the perfection of man.  They believed this could be attained through sacrifice, commitment, patriotism, and duty.  The reason their experiment failed is not because the American people abandoned their Christian heritage but because the religion of the Founders was not the Christianity of the Holy Bible but a Masonic counterfeit.     

The kingdom of light to come will be an age of full human potential realized.  Apotheosis. Man becoming god.  It will be a time when science and religion will become one.  The roles of both America and Catholicism have nearly completed their unified works of bringing mankind entirely under the subjection of lost pagan rites and the ancient mysteries. This is why  the United States and the Church of Rome are being exposed and, ultimately, destroyed. 

In order to make room for the coming new Age of Aquarius and the so-called evolutionary next stage of man's enlightenment and harmonic convergence the Dragon has begun to eat his own.  The Scriptures state all of heaven rejoices when Babylon the Great is destroyed.  So why is it carnal 'churchianityites' keep trying to preserve this abominable whore?

Standing in the way of man's attempt at godhood is a group which will choose not to make the transition.  They will not be "born again" through mystical enlightenment nor embrace the philosophic golden age to come.  They stand opposed to the Illuminatus and his goal of church and state as one and they will not accept the coming return of this supernatural god or his kingdom age of pseudo-peace and security.  They presently refuse to buy into the Kabbalist lie of Jewish Supremism; and they certainly will not bend from their exposure of all that is false, American idealism included.  To them the kingdom of light to come is just the repackaged age old lie of the Serpent:

"Ye shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

 A World Transforming (10 min.)